Mammomat inspiration technical specifications

Рейтинг лучших лазеров для эпиляции по удалению волос

Рейтинг лучших лазеров для эпиляции по удалению волос

Система стереотаксической биопсии направляет действия оператора по ходу всей процедуры. Service Manual : — Please consult your Hologic sales representative for details on requirements. What imaging capabilities does the Selenia Dimensions system offer? Благодаря стоматологический диодный лазер sirona цена средствам лазерной эпиляции тканей молочных желез, система позволяет увидеть поражения на самых ранних стадиях. Elements such mammomat inspiration technical specifications the switch and power line reduce the Placing elements such as the power line and switch Due to regulatory reasons its лазер candela эпиляция отзывы форум availability cannot be guaranteed.


Brochure Mammomat Inspiration. To be the reference Availability and packaging may vary by mental compatibility of our products country and are subject to change without protection of natural resources and prior notice. Using the same extensive quality assurance measures as for factory-new components, The information in this document we guarantee the quality of these recycled contains general technical descriptions components. Original images always lose a certain amount of detail when reproduced. Siemens reserves the right to modify the design, packaging, specifications and options described herein without prior notice. Mammomat Inspiration with PRIME Technology Service tailored for you established a new reference in low-dose mammography The comprehensive range of services Siemens offers can by optimizing every detail — making screening better be tailored to your needs.

From preventive maintenance for everyone involved. Calming MoodLight and individualized OpComp offer increased comfort levels and put patients at ease. Closer by design Single-touch positioning, one-click-to-image and Closer to technology and closer to you — Siemens seamless stereotactic biopsy are easy-to-use and Healthcare Customer Services delivers extensive outstandingly quick. Mammomat Inspiration Siemens Remote Services monitors your system, innovations enabling greater confidence. Siemens Healthcare Headquarters allowing action before problems arise.

Dose-saving PRIME Technology reassures women that you are The reference in low-dose mammography providing low-dose mammography, and options such as stereotactic biopsy or True Breast Tomosynthesis can be upgraded as and when you need them. Giving you siemens. Order No. The reference in low-dose mammography. Combining image quality is the key to detecting the smallest detail. You can become the institution of choice by providing Easy-to-use, outstandingly quick reference-quality mammography for your patients with Mammomat Inspiration and PRIME Technology. Single-Touch Positioning and one-click-to-image make Mammomat Inspiration outstandingly quick and set the standard in ease of use. OpDose works in every position and automatically excludes the pectoral muscle from its calculations.

Uncompromised image quality: Progressive Reconstruction identifies scatter-causing structures and Fast direct-to-digital aSe Detector optimizes the image improving contrast and reducing The direct-to-digital amorphous selenium aSe detector scatter effects. To give women exceptional care, I need exceptional technology. It reassures them we take their screening seriously. Put women at ease: features for a relaxing exam. Appealing design Smooth shapes, non-intrusive lines and a color palette of pastel pink, lime or silver: the design offers visual comfort during the exam. Calming MoodLight Getting women to relax during mammograms can be as simple as changing the lighting. The unique MoodLight2 panel allows you to select specific colors or a series of changing colors.

As soon as it has reached optimal compression level for the best image quality, it stops automatically. For increased comfort, more efficiency and, often, lower dose. The soft light emitted by the MoodLight makes a world of difference. It really helps me relax. Work with ease and efficiency. Enable high patient throughput and reduce staff training requirements with time-saving features and the unique syngo user interface. Seamless Isocentric Rotation Convenient Single-Touch Positioning No matter which position is next, the center of the This feature moves the system from one position to the detector always stays at the same height, letting you next in an instant.

With only a single touch. Efficient one-click-to-image Multiple release options The scheduler opens automatically as soon as an exam Three X-Ray release options provide more flexibility. Clicking once opens the following switch1 or the foot switch1, depending on what best exam and the system is ready for the first exposure. Benefit from the convenience of Control Manual. Operate seamlessly and confidently Become more efficient and obtain greater diagnostic confidence with an automated workflow and multimodality reading on a single workplace.

Breast Care Clear-cut procedures and intuitive operations are the syngo. Breast Care1 is the advanced solution for key to fast and accurate examinations. With this in mind, state-of- the-art mammography and Siemens unique we designed a stereotactic biopsy solution that reduces tomosynthesis reading. Marked by outstanding flexibility, the necessary workflow steps and guides the operator it offers comprehensive tools, customizable layouts through the procedure. Lightweight and flexible Simply slide the lightweight unit onto the detector and As a stand-alone workstation or a multiple client server the system automatically switches to biopsy mode.

Get solution — syngo. Breast Care completely fulfills your need more flexibility with both vertical and lateral access and for high quality and efficient daily work. View and share a wide range of compatible biopsy devices. Breast Care is not commercially available in all countries. Due to regulatory reasons its future availability cannot be guaranteed. Please contact your local Siemens organization for further details. Experience the widest angle in the industry: True Breast Tomosynthesis. Discover new diagnostic possibilities. How tomosynthesis works Image 1: More lesions are visible in 3D.

Tomosynthesis acquires multiple images of the breast while the X-ray tube moves through an arc above the detector. The projection images are then reconstructed into a 3D volume and displayed as slices. This enables the separation of tissue layers and improves the visibility of lesions as they are displayed without overlaying tissue. Why True Breast Tomosynthesis? This results in superior depth resolution and tissue layer separation. Image 3: Better depth and contrast resolution. Zackrisson, K. Timberg, I. For a more relaxing exam. Flexible OpView Convenient Single-Touch Positioning Selection of five so-called flavors for image Easy positioning with a single touch makes your impressions.

Choose the one for your needs. Compression stops automatically as soon as it reaches the right compression thickness to achieve the best image quality. For added comfort, more efficiency and, often, lower dose. Because every single woman counts. Stereotactic Biopsy The system intuitively guides you through the entire procedure. Efficient and reliable for optimum diagnostic confidence. Открыть меню навигации. Закрыть список предложений Поиск Поиск. Пользовательские настройки. Загружено: Jenny Layunwira. Сохранить Сохранить «Brochure Mammomat Inspiration» для последующего чтения. Сведения о документе нажмите, чтобы развернуть сведения о документе Brosur. Поделиться этим документом Поделиться или встроить документ Параметры публикации Опубликовать в Facebook, откроется новое окно Facebook.

Этот документ был вам полезен? Это неприемлемый материал? Скачать сейчас. Перейти к странице. Поиск в документе. On account of certain regional limitations Please contact your local Siemens sales of sales rights and service availability, we representative for the most current cannot guarantee that all products included information. Because every single woman counts Stereotactic Biopsy The system intuitively guides you through the entire procedure.

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On account of certain regional limitations Please contact your local Siemens sales

Brochure Mammomat Inspiration. To be the reference Availability and packaging may vary by mental compatibility of our products country and are subject to change without protection of natural resources and prior notice. Using the same extensive quality assurance measures as for factory-new components, The information in this document we guarantee the quality of these recycled contains general technical descriptions components. Original images always lose a certain amount of detail when reproduced. Siemens reserves the right to modify the design, packaging, specifications and options described herein without prior notice.


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