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Medical Machine
Samsung Medison, an affiliate of Samsung Electronics, is a global medical company founded in Samsung Medison has commercialized the Live 3D technology in and since being part of Samsung Electronics in , it is integrating IT, image processing, semiconductor and communication technologies into ultrasound devices for efficient and confident diagnosis. WS80A with Elite V4. Due to regulatory reasons their future availability cannot be guaranteed. Please contact your local sales network for further details. Image courtesy of Prof. Scan code or visit www.
Samsung Medison reserves the right to modify the design, packaging, specifications, and features shown herein, without prior notice or obligation. The WS80A with Elite is the premium system that covers all six stages with effective diagnostic solutions. Healthy Birth Healthy Pregnancy Diagnosis. Healthy Pregnancy Visualization. The Pregnancy semi-automated functions, 5D Limb Vol. Simple screening for risk set. These measurements can then be used to calculate an accurate estimation of fetal weight as well as provide additional information regarding fetal nutritional status.
Follicle measurement. User selectable light source direction creates intricately graduated shadows for better defined anatomical structures. The resulting Diagnosis image has the potential to enhance visualization and increase diagnostic confidence. Using STIC volume flow to morphological information and provides a deeper understanding of datasets, color Doppler sonography is demonstrated in 9 standard fetal echocardiography relational anatomy and neighboring vessels. It uses an elastographic image to provide additional diagnostic information which can be helpful for predicting preterm birth and successful labor induction.
This tool can increase reproducibility and reduce inter-observer variance using the sum of several elastographic images acquired No more No more over a few seconds. Highly advanced transducers allow for excellent detailed resolution and more efficient scanning. ClearVision The noise reduction filter improves edge enhancement and creates sharper 2D images for optimal diagnostic performance. The integration of specialized Samsung technology results in a notable improvement in image quality. In addition, ClearVision provides application-specific optimization and advanced temporal resolution in live scan mode.
WS80A with Elite incorporates single crystal technology. Sensitivity Sensitivity. It is often possible to visualize the entire cervix and uterus in normal anatomy as well as viewing left—right symmetry in the transverse plane. It provides a comfortable environment as well as a streamlined user interface. The Samsung Curved array transducers Endocavity transducers. Volume transducers Phased array transducers. Открыть меню навигации. Закрыть список предложений Поиск Поиск.
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Medical Machine
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